Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Waiting Here for You

If faith can move the mountains,
Let the mountains move!
We come with expectation. 
We're waiting here for you...
Waiting here for you.

You're the Lord of all creation,
Yet still you know my heart.
The Author of Salvation,
You've loved us from the start.

Waiting here for you,
With our hands lifted high in praise.
And it's You we adore.
Singing Alleluia!

You are everything You promised,
Your Faithfulness is true.
And we're desperate for Your Presence,
All we need is You.

So we're waiting here for You,
With our hands lifted high in praise.
And it's You we adore,
Singing Alleluia!

We will wait for Your Lord...
In step with you Lord...
We will sing Alleluia!

Got an email from my mom tonight that had me in tears.  Also read a blog this week that had me in tears.  And my God himself had me in tears this week.  Brought me to my knees.  There are times on this blog that I think if I'm too transparent, you won't read any more.  If I'm too honest, you'll avoid this site all together.  But I do feel inspired to be at least a little transparent tonight.  

I have been humbled this week and also empowered.  Humbled because I find myself begging and pleading for the one thing I want more than anything, and instead of just handing it to me, my God tells me to wait.  "Just breath, daughter, I've got a plan!"  I feel like Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory saying "But Daddy I want a baby nnnoooowww!" (insert annoying British whine...).  And His answer is "Wait, my love.  Your day will come.  Have I ever left you hanging?".  And thus, I feel empowered.  For He has NEVER left me hanging.  He is EVERYTHING He promised me He would be!  He's Provider, Father, Conqueror.  And because He is those things, so am I, too, a Conqueror.  And so are you!  Infertility is a road block...a stone bigger than any mortal human could roll away.  Infertility is an impossible feat for a mortal.  But we all know what God does with larger than life stones.  He rolls them away effortlessly in DUE TIME.  Jesus didn't ascend into Heaven while the throngs of people were watching as He left this world on the cross.  It was 3 days of weeping, and wailing, and asking why, and feeling abandoned, and losing hope.  And then...HE ROSE!  

So maybe I'm in my "3 days".  Maybe I'm in chapter 30 of my Job experience...chapter 40 is still to come if I keep reading!  Maybe you're in you're "3 days".  If you are, take heart that you're not alone.  That's not to say that you're necessarily struggling with infertility.  You could be struggling with anything.  But HE is faithful.  HE is true.  HE is sovereign.  And HE WILL come through for you.  He always does.  He's a God of second chances, a God of miracles and wonders beyond what our imperfect minds can fathom, a God of blessings and mercy and grace.  He's the Author of Salvation...but remember.  He still knows your heart!


  1. Really enjoyed this post. Sometimes we all need a reminder that God will come through for us, even though we are inpatient at times. His plan is perfect.

    Following you from the GFC blog hop. Come check out The Cozy Pink Cottage when you get a chance :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mercedes! I'm returning the follow right now!
