Friday, February 15, 2013

Panties on the Porch Part II: The Great Panty Snatcher

Ok, so if you read PART I of this saga, I bet you've been wondering how this whole thing has panned out.  Did we leave the panties?  Were they discovered?  Are they still there?  What's the deal with the Porch Panties????

Well...every day for the last 2 weeks I peep over my balcony to see if they're still there on that porch.  And they literally have not moved.  So we came to the conclusion that the apartment whose porch my panties were gracing was the one and only unoccupied unit in our building.  So I though, "Meh...we'll just leave em anyway."  But the more I thought about it, the more I felt like it would be a TERRIBLE situation for our landlord to be showing someone that apartment and walk them out to the porch only to find a random pair of panties lying there.  Might not do much to close the deal on a new tenant...

So on Wednesday I asked Jonathan if he thought he could get on that porch and get them.  In essence, I sent him on a Panty Raid...Caribbean style.  Here's that story in pictures:

Step 1) Climb onto rickety and rusty air conditioning while your wife is constantly nagging you to "be careful"

Step 2) Do a chin up and swing your legs onto the porch.  Make sure you have a spotter... ;)

Step 3) Snatch panties and make this face...

Step 4) Yell triumphantly (with panties in hand of course) and make the neighbors wonder what in tarnation you are up to...

 Step 5) Notice how much the situation reminds you of Romeo and Juliette (or in this case Romeo and Julian) and pose reluctantly for a picture for your wife...

Step 6) Step out onto rickety corrugated metal roof of teeny little electrical shed...

 Step 7) Hop down unscathed, do the Rocky Balboa, and shove panties discreetly into beach bag for safe keeping.  As if ANY of this was discreet...

So there ya have it folks.  I married a man with many talents.  Not the least of which, apparently, is panty snatching...