Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Final Countdown-9 Weeks to Go!

Wow...that week went fast!  Single digit weeks left...I can't believe it.  Jonathan just received his scores back on his last ever mini on this island and he got the highest grade he's ever gotten on a mini.  I mean literally almost aced the darn thing.  I'm so proud!  He only has 2 more tests between him and the end of this semester...then he'll be considered a 3rd year med student!  The COMP is basically just to qualify him to take the USMLE Step 1 and we know he's going to do really well on that.  After his Semester 4 final on the 31st he will just be in a 4 week long review session to prep him for COMP as well as Step 1.  Home stretch man!  I'm so proud of him and what he's accomplished.  I seem to be a magnet for drama (and probably the catalyst to it lots of times too) sometimes, but he is so clear headed and even keeled.  He's got his eye on the prize, yes, but he has also been so great about making time for me and making an effort in our marriage even though he's stressed and pressed.  I sure do love that boy.  I'm a lucky, lucky woman to have him.  These past few weeks, and in the weeks to come, I am trying to make a point to focus more on Jonathan and why we came here to Dominica in the first place.  It was for him to waltz through med school and lay the foundation for the rest of our lives.  And he has done that, praise God!  Almost exactly 2 years of our lives have been spent on this season, and if we had to do it all over again we most definitely would.  Can't believe we've been at this that long (and longer if you count the year and a half of prerequisites!), but that makes me optimistic that the 3 more years we have before he starts a residency will fly by as well.

But I digress...here's #9 in our countdown!

#9 Thing I Will Miss About Dominica

The Treehouse.  Oh how I will miss the Treehouse.  We are hoping and praying that the new tenants will be good stewards of the space.  This apartment has so much history!  For a while it was just a sanctuary for me and Jonathan, then it morphed into the community gathering house where we had anywhere from 10-30 people in it every Friday night for grill night, then it became the holding place for all things charitable, and now it's a Kindergarten school space.  I've done girls nights here, our giant Friendsgiving Thanksgiving celebration was held here, Lincoln's 3rd birthday was held here.  So many memories.  Such a great place to live.  I won't miss the hike to get here, but I'll miss the beautiful flamenco trees, the bananaquits, the goats, the cozy cabin-y feel.  I would argue that the Treehouse is one of the best apartments in Picard and we were so lucky to have snagged it...

#9 Thing That Will Be Awesome About Living in the States Again

Running.  Running is something that I started in the Bahamas and then have let go by the wayside here in Dominica.  I don't enjoy running here.  It's super hot and humid and SUPER hilly.  It feels like punishment to me, and since my relationship with running is a love/hate one, it's a bit of a delicate balance.  I've gone running just a handful of times and each time I came home feeling worse than when I left.  Soooo...no.  However I am REALLY excited about being back in the dry Oklahoma air with flat places all over to run.  This girl is gonna wear down some running shoe treads in no time!

By the end of this week we will have less than 60 days left on this island.  It's SO crazy to be able to say that!

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