Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Final Countdown-6 Weeks to Go!

So it's the week of Easter already??  I love this time of year.  When I was a kid, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday were two of my favorite days of the year.  In church on Palm Sunday the kids would get to wave palm branches around and sing songs, and then on Easter Sunday at our home church in Beaumont, Tx we would buy fresh flowers and bring them to a cross covered in chicken wire outside our church building.  All the church families would stick their flowers in the chicken wire and after a few hours the cross looked spectacular all covered in flowers.  My favorite!  I've missed the hype leading up to Easter here in Dominica.  And I've missed singing in the big Easter productions we inevitably do around this time of year at home.  Thankfully some crazy person at UBC is gonna give me a mic in August so I can sing on that stage again.  My heart is OVERJOYED at that prospect.  Can't wait to be back in my wheelhouse there again...

But anyway, only 6 weeks left on this crazy ride here on the island.  Jonathan is studying away, but the poor guy is SO ready to be done.  These are his last two weeks of studying before COMP.  It's really weird to be able to say that!  But these next 6 weeks plus 2 more once we are in the states are where the rubber meets the road man.  THIS is the big push to the end for Jonathan.  Wether you're the praying type or the "good vibes" type, would you send some up for him in the next 6 weeks?  USMLE Step 1 is literally the most important test of our lives.  His score on that test could mean the difference in hundreds of thousands of dollars in a salary eventually.  Not to mention his sanity in a specialty.  His score is crucial on this test and he is feeling that pressure head on.  Lately I've been praying for peace and stress relief for him because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that his scores are going to be great.  It's just dealing with the anxiety that rides along with that test that's so scary...

But without further ado, here are the #6's!

The #6 Thing I Will Miss About Dominica

The Market.  Oh how I love Saturday markets in Portsmouth.  For me it has been those Saturdays that remind me how cool the place where I live is.  The culture is so rich and vibrant there.  I absolutely loved going to the market with Mrs. Lambert, the nutritionist here at Ross who is also a Dominican.  Getting to see the market and the vendors through her eyes was so incredible.  I've only got a few more Saturdays that I'll get to go to the market, so I'm hoping to snap a few photos to remember it by while I'm there.  I've learned so much about food and produce there.  I've sampled ethnic dishes, had authentically brewed Dominican coffee, and been so well educated on where to find the best fruits, vegetables, spices, oils, and honeys.  There are farmer's markets in the states, yes.  But they don't hold a candle to this Saturday market.  The selection and price is unbeatable.  I can come home with literally more stuff than I can carry for somewhere around $20-25 USD.  Incredible.  I will miss the blaring gospel music and the street evangelizing done by one of my favorite Dominicans, Max.  It's a Dominican experience that can't be matched and one that has helped me connect with the culture and the people of our little community...

The #6 Thing That Will Be Awesome About Living in the States Again

Grocery stores and cooking at home.  By the same token, something that I have missed dearly about living in the states is a good grocery store that ALWAYS has what you're looking for.  While living in the Caribbean I've had to get creative most of the time when it comes to cooking the dishes I like to cook.  Grocery stores don't/can't stock the way they do in the states here.  What that means is that each time you go in they have different things and sought after items don't stay on the shelf very long.  For instance I have only been able to snag one gallon of milk this semester and when I got it home it was pretty much soured.  Yuck!  I can't wait to stroll the aisles of a Whole Foods or even a Kroger with a list in hand and be able to get everything I need.  I can't wait to cook some chicken parmesan, some Mama Lasagna, etc., etc.  It's gonna be glorious!

So that's it this week.  I am really shocked that today marks only 6 weeks left.  CRAZY BUSINESS!  The next 2 weeks are gonna be a whirlwind...I just know it...

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