Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Post Mini #2-The Second Top Ten

Well, we are 2/3 done!  Jonathan rocked the snot out of his second "final" here in Freeport.  Now we have T-Minus 4 1/2 weeks left and we get to come home for 6 weeks!  So in celebration of completing the second of 3 parts of this program, the Womacks and the Wellses rented a car for the weekend!  Woohoo!  I really don't think I've been more excited about having a car in my life.  Probably even including getting my driver's license at 16.  So here is The Top Ten #2 in pictures (in no particular order)!

1-Shopping with Michelle earlier in the week and snagging these AWESOME "manties" for our manly men.  This is what happens when you bring your wife to med school!

2-Probably the most incredible beach on the island!  It's called Gold Rock Beach and it's part of the National Park here.  It's spectacular.  You could walk literally 100 yards out and still only be about knee deep in water!  And of course, as always, the water is impossibly teal and turquoise...

3-We rented a car!  This is the famous Cherry QQ.  It's "semiautomatic" which means it shifts itself OR you can shift it yourself.  Either way it makes for a pretty bumpy ride, but at least it's 4 wheels and an engine!  Without this bad boy, we would have easily spent $150-$200 on a taxi for all the places we went.  As it is, split between us and the Wellses, we only spent $75!!

4-Sunday afternoon grill session at Sunset Lodge with the Grand Pooba himself (aka Vedant...pictured in the middle).  Girls sunbathe, boys grill.  Sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon to me!

5-Getting my Fire Mountain Beads in (+ some other RAD stuff!).  I've already knocked out 4 pieces and I'm working on more!  Black Friday at ADKOF is gonna be awesome!  (also, go check our BLOG and get your man to buy you some Flair...he will get an Amazon.com gift card out of the deal!)

6-#futuredoctors, #we'rethetwobestfriendsthatanyonecouldhave

7-My favorite building on the island.  Of course it helps that it's pink.  Downtown Freeport is pretty well run down, but there are a few gems left including this Port Authority building.  I just love it.  And having a car meant that my sight seeing trip cost me 1/8 what it usually would!

8-Sand bars, sand bars, sand bars.  These seascapes are straight from a screen saver...

9-The water at Gold Rock Beach is impossibly clear and even close up it's got a bluish tint.  Not to mention my July 18th pedicure is somehow still hanging in there.  

10-Xandu Beach.  Abandoned, quiet, gorgeous, and canal adjacent.  Apparently the snorkeling was sub par according to the guys, but it was still beautiful.  We got some serious sun out there...and a microdermabraision every so often from the wind...

All in all, it was a perfect weekend!  We literally drove this island end to end.  Saw all the most talked about beaches, had some great laughs, AND enjoyed some food at places we hadn't been (by far the best was Pollo Tropical!).  We've decided that in our "last hoorah weekend" here in a few weeks, we are DEFINITELY renting a car again.  If for no other reason than to give us some freedom and to make sure we make it to the airport on time (Tyrone has been a little unreliable lately...).  I will officially start prepping to go home NEXT WEEK!  I can't believe how quickly time flies...


  1. I saw men in speedos/manties. I had to comment. Well done. ;)


    1. Ha! Thanks Erin! It was definitely a conspiracy I tell ya...

