Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We're Moving! To Another Island...

If you don't already know, Freeport, Bahamas is only our temporary home.  We are only here for 17 weeks (2 weeks prior to class starting and 15 weeks of class).  After this program is over (in 4 1/2 weeks!) we are headed back to the good ol' USA for a mere 6 weeks and then we are moving yet again!  From here we go to Dominica, West Indies.  Here are some pictures of what we have to look forward to...grab a tissue to control your drool:

Spectacular right??  It's called The Nature Island because it's sort of "untouched".  It's a volcanic island with lots of properties of a rainforest paired with some of the world's most beautiful beaches.  We will be living on this somewhat remote island for 4 semesters (consecutively).  So essentially we will be there from the end of December 2012 all the way through May 2014.  We are excited and a little nervous about spending that long in a place so far away (and so different!) from home!  Here is a map of where Dominica is located:

It's there south of St. Kitts (where Ross's vet school is) and north of St. Lucia (where Nicole and Patrick honeymooned).  It's closer to South America than it is to North America!

Roseau is the capitol, but the med school is located in Picard which is in the northern part of the island.  Ross has a Spouses Organization, so I will be doing some island exploring through that organization while Jonathan does his med school thing!

In anticipation of the sure-to-be CIRCUS it will be trying to get things prepped to go to Dominica (if our adventures trying to get here to Freeport are any indication!), I wanted to share with you all the WONDERFUL things that are Dominica.  Prepare yourselves, because there may be some "island bashing" in a few months once I'm there...I'll be ready for some USA!  In the meantime, here's what I'm looking forward to:

1-Maid Service (Every apartment has a's just customary down there)
2-Laundry Service (NOBODY has washers and put your laundry in a bag and your maid takes it to the laundry service...later it's delivered back to your apartment washed, dried, and folded...again, it's just customary down there)
3-New Beaches (though I do so love my Taino Beach here in Freeport, I'm looking forward to something new and different by way of beaches)
4-Waterfalls (being a natural island that is mountainous and rainforest-y, there are lots of them)
5-Island Hopping (Dominica is so close to lots of other little teeny islands...I'm hoping Jonathan and I will get a chance at some point to do a little island hopping when he gets a break...)

There are a few resorts and beautiful hotels on the island, so BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW!  I'm serious...we would love to have you.  Of course, The Womack Bed and Breakfast (and maybe some lunch and dinner too) is a free stay!  It's a trek down there, but I'm told you won't be disappointed!  Check out this quick little video:

So there ya have it.  The next leg of our journey in Dominica, West Indies is fast approaching!  
Don worry be hoppy mon!

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