Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Heart of a Teacher

Man, my heart is so heavy today.  If you aren't already familiar with this, a major F5 tornado hit in Moore, Oklahoma last night leaving a path of destruction over 30 miles long.  The "debris ball" was over 2 miles wide.  It developed in under an hour...people had just enough time (in most cases) to shelter in place.  Some were lucky enough to make it to storm shelters.  Places I've driven by and visited for years are leveled.  There is nothing left but mud.  Reporters were scanning the landscape unable to get their bearings because things that used to be there were no longer there.  Homes were crushed, cars tossed like toys, two elementary schools were leveled...

That is the part that makes me the saddest.  Thankfully one of the schools had everyone accounted for fairly shortly after the storm was gone.  There were injuries, yes, but no loss of life.  The other school was not so lucky.  Plaza Towers Elementary school had sheltered in place.  Kids were brought into the hallways (which is just about the safest place to be).  They were told to hang onto the walls.  Teachers were diving on top of piles of students to keep them safe.  Most got out alive with only some minor injuries.  But the 3rd grade wing was not so lucky.  As they started moving the rubble, they found children drowned, crushed...just gone.  They found a teacher who had thrown herself on top of 3 students to protect them...they found this teacher and the 3 students underneath a car which had been pitched into the front of the school.  A father was interviewed who had helped move that car.  His comment, before he broke down, was "Way to go Teach!"  Words like heroic, valiant, self-sacrificing were being tossed around about these teachers and their courage.  Men and women who literally sacrificed their lives for these students.  For them, it was just instinct...

A teacher's heart is such that when a child comes into your "fold", they become yours.  Even the ones who drive you crazy.  The whiney ones, the punks, the trouble-makers, the ones who are hard to love.  They're all yours.  When I think about these teachers all over Oklahoma who were determined to keep their babies safe, I can't help but think back on my experience as a teacher.  When I see the faces of these beautiful children who are no longer with us, I can't help but picture my own sweet students.  And it brings tears to my eyes.  In a heartbeat I would have sacrificed myself to keep them safe.  It's an instinct.  As it was for those teachers yesterday.  Of course their reactionary response was to throw themselves on top of their kids to keep them safe.  Of course it was.  Because when those babies become yours, they really are yours.  At least for a time.

I hate picturing what a horrific experience that must have been for everyone involved.  And I have to echo what that guy said... Way to go, Teach!  Nothing short of heroism, valiance, sacrifice, and courage is required of teachers.  And we so freely give it.  Because each and every student we teach has a piece of our hearts.  Though I don't have any sweet babies of my own yet, I do feel like I've learned at least a sliver of that parental love through my experience in teaching.  Those babies (though some of them aren't so much babies anymore) are mine.  They're tattooed on my heart!  So my heart goes out to those families and those teachers in Moore, Oklahoma today.  My insides hurt to think about this tragedy.  But parents, thank your kids' teachers today.  Because chances are, if your own babies were in the same situation, you can bet their teachers would react the same way that these heroes did.  Because at some point in teaching, it becomes less about you and more about those sweet souls who have become yours...

My deepest and most heartfelt sentiments go out to the people of Oklahoma.  May you find a peace that passes all understanding and may you find refuge in the strength and promises of our Lord.  

There's nothin' like Oklahoma...

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