Walking down through the gardens to check out the greenhouse and farm animals.
Amazing landscape and a cool view of the sweet little cabins for rent on the grounds.
Amazing fully organic greenhouse
My favorite flower here in Dominica...the Heliconia! (they were spectacular here at Crescent Moon)

My little Lincoln jammin' out on the djembe...our prelunch concert...
The lady goats!
Gertrude getting up close and personal with Baby Hedda (who looks like she's about to lay the goat smack down...)
The coffee and cacao roaster made from a converted popcorn popper and an electric drill. The bowls from left to right are roasted Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, cacao beans before they're roasted and "popped", green coffee beans before they're roasted, and roasted "popped" cacao beans.
Wild lemon grass being made into lemon grass oil (good for cooking and bug bites)
Beautiful tranquil pool overlooking the ocean and the mountains
Some of the crew (including me!) enjoying lunch
Made from scratch eggplant lasagna and an amazing salad with all sorts of veggies and herbs with a beautiful vinaigrette. Yum!!
Homemade herb pesto and herbed butter. O. M. G. Amazing!
Lincoln enjoying the scenery!
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