Monday, July 29, 2013

Only in Dominica Part 2

Here's part 2 y'all...

1) Only in Dominica is your decision about whether or not you should buy the gallon or the half gallon of milk decided by the temperature and humidity outside.  After all, you DO have to lug that bad boy up a hill...

2) Only in Dominica is the fixing of a floor fan equivalent to a Christmas miracle.  You might ACTUALLY be able to survive the summer without melting or running up a ridiculously huge power bill by running your wall unit A/C...

3) Only in Dominica do you take your contacts out, walk toward your bedroom, see a giant flying thing zoom toward your head and scream "Johnny!!!!  I can't tell but I think it might be a bat!!!!"...

4) Only in Dominica does your husband come running out of his office after the above incident having to assess the level of danger involved, realize it's not a bat but a GIANT moth that could easily be mistaken for a bat, and have to smack the darn thing 3 times with a flip flop before it dies...

5) Only in Dominica does said moth get dropped in the toilet and flushed.  And flushed, and flushed, and flushed.  Before you decide said moth is just simply not flushable.  And you must call said husband to scoop it out and dispose of it OUTSIDE.  Because who knows?  That bat/moth could come back alive at any moment and he is UNWELCOME in the treehouse...

6) Only in Dominica are iguanas as common and annoying as squirrels are in the states...

7) Only in Dominica are you awoken on a Saturday morning with a huge THUD that sounds like the sky is falling, followed by frantic nails scraping across the tin roof, and finally a THUD in the leaves in the yard.  Followed shortly by panicked rustling through the dead leaves to safety (ahem...see #6)...

8) Only in Dominica is your famed grill made from a 55 gallon steel drum.  And your friend's kids are now programmed to think that any 55 gallon steel drum that is not upright is a "grill"...

9) Only in Dominica is there a "craigslist" Facebook page that acts sort of like a cyber garage sale on steroids.  It is only on said craigslist that you can sell your half used bottle of garlic salt for $5EC in under 60 seconds...

10) Only in Dominica can you go for a nice dinner with friends where your husband has a "stuffed scotch bonnet eating contest" with his pharmacology professor...

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A Different Kind of Flair