Monday, November 5, 2012

12 Days and Hours...

I am chomping at the freaking bit to come back to the states.  These past few days have left me REALLY anxious about getting things ready for leaving Freeport AND preparing for Dominica.  Those two things smashed so close together make things really stressful/exciting/nerve wracking.  My list making self has gone literally nuts!  But today I actually packed a bag and that helped me to sort of woosah for a minute...

Not to mention, my bestie Sara is due to deliver her first baby any day now.  I know I've been saying that a lot...that's because she's been in "almost" mode for weeks now!  But this week is definitely the week.  She will have a baby by Wednesday night at the latest no matter what happens!  I told her today that it's so surreal to think that in a few weeks when we show up at their house for a visit they will have a baby.  That's just crazy!  But I'm REALLY excited to meet Emma and to spend time with friends and family for a few weeks.  Thinking about that reduces my level of stress SO much!

Nicole and I signed up for a 5K (our first one!) in December.  So in addition to prepping to come home, I've been trying to get some good running in so I don't look like a fool on December 3rd.  I ran down to the cove where the dolphins live the other day.  I didn't see any dolphins, but I'm very optimistic that this week I'm going to see some!  I'll take pictures when I do.  That definitely gives me motivation to strap my running shoes on and take a jog!

So in closing, I thought you guys might like a little glimpse into my To Do Lists for the next week and a half.... Enjoy!

-Call Freeport Airport and US Airways to make sure they are expecting Matilda as a service animal
-Reserve barrel for shipping items to Dominica
-Call and make doctor's appointments in Houston (including chest xrays, HIV tests, and TB titers for visa health documents)
-Organize the document binder for traveling
-Get shot records for Matilda faxed over from OKC (since the fab Freeport airport insisted on taking our original copies when we arrived in July...)
-Square away rental car situation for last weekend in Freeport
-Cook/Eat/Toss all remaining food items in fridge/pantry
-Pack suitcases (take vacuum bags to Wellses to be vacuumed and purchase bubble wrap
-Stock up on serious beach glass from Taino Beach
-Jonathan get text books sold
-Fill out visa forms
-Buy Dominica plane tickets
-Deep clean apartment

And it goes on and on.  This is just what needs to get done in the next 10-11 days!  Whew!  I'm hoping to get as many things checked off my list BEFORE we come home, so that I can spend the maximum amount of time spending time with people that we love and miss so dearly.  Here's hoping!

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