What I Will Miss About Freeport #5:
Spending lazy days with my puppy! The decision has been made that we simply cannot bring Matilda to Dominica. At least not right now. We're planning to scope things out and see whether or not it would be an okay place for her this first semester and then decide whether we should bring her down in the summer time. But I have so loved my morning puppy snuggle with her. Before we came to the Bahamas, those were restricted to Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoon naps. She's by my side all day long. Usually she's sleeping, but every once in a while she'll walk over to me and just put her head on my lap. It's like she's saying, "Mom, it's so cool that you're home with me during the day now!" It hurts my heart to think about leaving her in the states while we're in Dominica, but I feel like that will be the best decision for her. I would feel so much worse if we were to take her to Dominica and she were to get sick or something. It will only be 18 months and I'll get to see her periodically during that time. Including Skype dates! I do so love my girl...she's the best puppy in the world and I'm luckiest puppy mommy in the world...

What I'm Looking Forward to in the States #5:
Uninterrupted time with Jonathan for more than 48 hours! Jonathan has been so busy studying and going to class since we've been here in the Bahamas. I'm so proud of him and the standards he has set for himself. The downside of those perfectionist standards is that he has been literally buried in books and notes for 15 weeks here in Freeport. He is SO ready for a break and I'm SO ready to get to spend some time with him! As the wife of a future doctor, I know that there are many more years of having to go long stints of time without getting to spend the time with him that I'd really like to. Med school isn't for sissies, y'all! This is no surprise! But I'm really excited to have 6 weeks where both of us will be together and he won't have school or studying to do. It's gonna be great!
PS-Our jewelry business, A Different Kind of Flair, is doing a follower shuffle for the next 3 days, we need 7 more blog followers HERE and 25 more Facebook followers HERE (or you can click the links on the right!). Help us out y'all! If we meet these goals by Thursday we're offering a 50% off coupon code (just in time for holiday shopping!) and one lucky follower will win a FREE BRACELET of their choice from our shop! Get to following!
Stay Tuned for #4 Tomorrow!
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