Thursday, November 8, 2012

The World Seems Just a Little Brighter Today...

Our sweet "niece" is finally here!  Emma Katherine Henderson was born yesterday at 3:44 pm weighing in at a petite 6 lbs. 15 oz.  She is seriously the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!  Let's be honest, a lot of the time newborns are puffy and alien-like.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE babies, but "fresh out of the womb" sometimes they're just not as cute as they are a few hours later.  Not this beauty queen!  Minutes after she was born she had her eyes open and she was so alert.  Well...just see for yourself:

Admit it, you gushed didn't you?  She's just so beautiful.  I woke up this morning with this little bundle of joy and our dear friends Jared and Sara on my mind.  Jared and I have been friends for like 15 years and yesterday he welcomed his first child into this world.  She is literally the spitting image of him.  It is so surreal!  To think that 15 years ago, he and I were just a couple of goofy teenagers, and today he is a daddy is just so bizarre, and yet AMAZING!  How great is our God??  I am so proud of Sara and what an incredible job she did carrying this sweet girl and bringing her into this world yesterday afternoon.  She's going to be such an amazing mom.  I just can't wait to wrap my arms around all 3 of them in a few short weeks.  

This little baby has me so thankful this morning for the gift of life.  For the opportunity God gives us women to carry the life of our children for 9 months so close to our hearts and then bless us with this amazing life that is the perfect blend of us and the person we love most in this world.  It's incredible that such a beautiful (downright breath taking) life can be created by two tiny microscopic cells!  And that somehow those two cells blend and multiply and create 10 perfect fingers, 10 perfect toes, a beating heart, a soul.  It's just out of this world!  I can't wait for my turn!

If I wasn't before, I certainly am NOW ready to be home immediately.  I was literally attached to my phone all day yesterday waiting for the text saying she's here!  And now that she is, the only thing I can think about is getting to Houston to see her and her mama and daddy!  What a special day that will be!  And it won't be long now...we are almost at single digits there on my countdown...

So Jonathan and I are very blessed to call this little family of 3 OUR family too.  Sara and Jared, we are SO beyond happy for you guys and this precious, beautiful baby girl you've blessed our hearts with.  The world really is a little brighter today because she's in it!  Here's to a lifetime of joy and happiness with your sweet Emma Katherine, and many more years ahead of all 5 of us (and eventually more!).  How blessed we are that God has placed you in our lives and stuck us together like glue!

Happy Birthday Emma!


  1. Hooray!! Congratulations, Sara and Jared (and Auntie Rachel)!! She really is beautiful. And you get to meet her so soon! It's so amazing seeing the people you love dearly become parents. :)

    1. Yes, such a sweet thing! I cannot wait to get there to see them!

  2. Congrats! I am a new follower of yours from the GFC Blog Hop. I will be looking forward to your blog!


    1. Thanks Tiffany! Headed over to return the favor now!

