Wednesday, November 14, 2012

#4--The Day Before "The Test"

So today is Jonathan's last day of studying.  Tomorrow morning he will go in and take his final.  He is so ready, but I know he'll be nervous later tonight when he goes home.  He has deactivated his Facebook account for now (too distracting), but if you want to send him a quick "good luck" note, email him at He would LOVE to hear from you I'm sure! Today also marks the last full day without him here at the house with me.  So today is also a big day for me.  I'm cleaning out the fridge (we won't be eating here any more this weekend), deep cleaning the apartment (don't want to waste precious time with my hubby mopping floors), and organizing our travel documents.  Among other things...  But for now, here's #4 in our countdown!

What I Will Miss About Freeport #4-
Tyrone.  Though his prices leave my wallet empty (and me pretty irritated as well sometimes...), I will miss him.  We have developed a nice little friendship with him.  He's one of our favorite Bahamians and is definitely the one Bahamian we have spent the most time with.  I will miss his jokes and his coined phrases.  I'll also miss him raving about his wife Victoria (she lives in the states).  Tyrone is a pleasant person and we will miss having him around I think...

What I'm Looking Forward to in the States #5-
MOBILITY!  Although we will miss Tyrone, we WILL NOT miss not being able to get around here on the island without a taxi driver.  My Trailblazer is calling my name at home and I cannot wait to get behind the wheel.  Honestly, though, the best part about having a car is that we at least have the option of going somewhere, even if we stay at home.  If you've never truly experienced that feeling, there's really no describing it.  It's sort of a stranded feeling.  For instance, Jonathan has been gone from 7:00 AM and not coming home until 11:00 PM this week, and we are almost out of groceries (that was on purpose).  I am SO hungry, but can't go grab something.  Neither do I want some creepy pizza delivery person coming to my house in the dark while I'm here by myself.  It's a very restrictive feeling.  I know Dominica will have it's challenges in that department too, but I'm at least looking forward to the fact that most things are within walking distance there.  Here, everything other than Taino Beach is a minimum 30 minute walk one way.  When it's super hot or you're bringing something back with you (or just walking alone), it's basically not an option.  So Trailblazer, here we come!

We are oh-so-close y'all!  Say a prayer for Jonathan tomorrow!


  1. Sending my good lucks his way, and to you so you can get all of those no-fun chores done in record time! Love ya, sis! I may or may not be choking up at the fact that I get to see you so few days... YAY! :D

    1. Love you too Nicole! In 1 hour that ticker will say THREE!!! Oh I can't wait to see you...
